Tunes 51-100

Carolan Project     O'Sullivan Main    O'Sullivan 1-50     O'Sullivan 51-100      O'Sullivan 101-150     O'Sullivan 151-200     O'Sullivan 201-227     O'Neill

My Tabledit files give suggested fingerings to make best use of the ringing open strings available in the open tunings given.
Starred tunes (eg 051*) may not be Carolan's - according to O'Sullivan.

Music notation -
the 'dots'.

Midi sound file.

Click here for TablEdit advice
See also Audio Advice

Link to a video of me playing the tune - mistakes and all ! See also my performances
and the player.

Video not recorded yet -
please come back again !

Tune Title
Tune Title

051* Lady Gethin

052 Miss Goulding

053 Dr John Hart - Bishop of Achonry

054 Mrs Harwood

055 Robert Hawkes

056 Hewlett

057 Captain Higgins

058 Lord Inchiquin

059 Colonel John (Planxty) Irwin

060 Colonel Irwin

061 John Jameson

062 Baptist Johnston

063 John Jones

064 Loftus Jones

065 Thomas Morres (Bumper Squire) Jones

066 Robert Jordan

067 Thomas Judge/Carolan's Frolic

068 Mrs Judge

069 Mrs Keel

070 Daniel Kelly

071 Hugh Kelly

072 John Kelly

073 Mabel Kelly

074 Patrick Kelly

075 Susanna Kelly

076 Planxty Kelly

077 Lord Louth

078 Henry MacDermott Roe, 1st Air

079 Henry MacDermott Roe, 2nd Air

080 Henry MacDermott Roe, 3rd Air

081 Mrs MacDermott Roe

082 Mrs Anne MacDermott Roe

083 Elizabeth MacDermott Roe

084 Father Brian MacDermott Roe

085 Edmond MacDermott Roe

086 John MacDermott

087 Miss MacDermott/Princess Royal

088* Dolly MacDonough

089 Dr MacMahon - Bishop of Clogher

090 Miss MacMurray

091 Betty MacNeill

092 Mawgan (Morgan) Magan

093 Captain Magan

094 Kitty Magennis

095 Brian Maguire

096 Constantine Maguire

097 Mr Malone

098 Margaret Malone

099 Catherine Martin

100 Lord Massereene
Carolan Project     O'Sullivan Main    O'Sullivan 1-50     O'Sullivan 51-100      O'Sullivan 101-150     O'Sullivan 151-200     O'Sullivan 201-227     O'Neill